Hollywood: The Orientalist

Hey, I enjoy Jake Gyllenhaal as much (if not more) than the next guy. He’s definitely got the talent as an actor with performances like “Nightcrawler” under his belt. However, I think amongst the people who remember the “Prince of Persia: Sands of Time” movie—which is few—there was a consensus that one of the most... Continue Reading →

“The Revenant’s” Representation of the Sexually Oppressed in Colonial America

(Disclaimer: This blog has been whittled down due to the illicit nature of the subject matter. Secondly, the subject matter is considered a hard pill to swallow for many, I tried my best to give as much I could while still being appropriate and this was the outcome, there is no promise that it will... Continue Reading →

Language: The Creator and Destroyer of Civilization

Denis Villeneuve's 8-time Oscar-nominated movie, "Arrival (2016)", takes the traditional sci-fi genre spectacle and spins it into a masterpiece with profound commentaries of language, communication, and its influences on empires faced with the unknown. These commentaries, I noticed, are strikingly similar to that of Dr. Lewis' theses of language being a “partner to empire”. The movie itself... Continue Reading →

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